BU Pharmacy
Opening hours
- 470 seats
- 7 cabins available on reservation
- 1 cubicle (4 places)
Digital equipment
- computers for consulting catalogs and online resources ;
- office and internet tools ;
- loan of headsets on site, laptops and tablets at home ;
- photocopier, printer and scanner ;
- charging tower for digital devices (telephone, laptop).
The BU is open to all, but its collections are particularly aimed at students, lecturers and staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy, students enrolled in the PASS-LAS program in Montpellier, and academics in medical and scientific disciplines.
Handicap accessibility
Find out more about access conditions, facilities and services at the Pharmacy BU and all the other BUs in the network by consulting our guide.
Find out at a glance about all the equipment available in your BUs by consulting our flyer.
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