Resources at your disposal

Consult or borrow documents online

Electronic resources

Off-campus, using your university login(ENT>Tuile Bibliothèques) or directly from public or professional university computers.

Please note that some databases do not allow you to search for items via the catalog. In this case, or for an in-depth search, enter the name of the database in the search box to carry out your search directly on the database interface. This applies in particular to legal databases and the FDE journals catalog.

Browser extensions to make life easier: click and Read and Ophirofox

The Click and Read browser extension lets you access scientific publications as soon as you start browsing the web pages that mention them (Google Scholar, Wikipedia, etc.).
The Click & Read logo is displayed under a reference: click and access the content!

The Ophirofox browser extension allows you to consult "subscriber-only" content on nearly 20 press sites (Le Monde, Libération, Courrier International...).
A "read on Europresse" button appears on the articles - click and read!

Physical resources

On-site consultation is free of charge. Borrowing documents requires registration, which may be subject to a fee depending on your status. For students, lecturers and staff of Montpellier universities, registration is automatic and free of charge. It allows you toborrow from all Montpellier university libraries, and to return your loans to the BU of your choice. If you are not a member of the university community, you can register as an external reader.