BU Richter
Opening hours
- 1,327 seats
- News and Press area (Le Kiosque)
- 38 free-access individual carrels (2h and 3h mezzanines)
- 7 group work rooms available on reservation
- 2 rooms reserved for doctoral students
- Salle Vie active (job search, preparation for competitive exams...)
- BAbEL room (Library for Language Learning and Exchange) with print and digital collections on language learning, for borrowing and on-site consultation.
- PMR (Personnes à Mobilité Réduite) area equipped with acoustic partitions and an electrically lifting tabletop, to be used alone or with a tutor.
- 4 rooms designed for specific audiences and uses, accessible by reservation (online form)
- Salle 3ha, for disabled students accompanied by a tutor and members of theINITIUM incubator
- L'Atelier, for aggregates, teacher training sessions and video shoots
- Teacher-researcher room
- La Cabine, a small room for professional interviews, by telephone or videoconference
- Relaxation area and cafeteria
- The INITIUM incubator
Computer equipment
- computers for consulting the catalog and online resources ;
- office tools and internet access ;
- loan of headsets on site, laptops and tablets at home ;
- photocopiers, printers and scanners.
- Level 0b: press, DVD fiction, Vie active and BAbEL rooms
- Level 1b: political science books and journals
- Level 2b: law books and magazines, DVDs
- Level 3b: economics and management books and magazines, DVDs
- Online examination books
- Legal abbreviations
SCUIO-IP at BU Richter
The Service Commun Universitaire d'Information, d'Orientation et d'Insertion professionnelle welcomes you every Thursday, with or without an appointment:
- By appointment, every Thursday morning between 9am and 12pm (La cabine, room 0h on the mezzanine): you can meet individually with an advisor for a specific integration or guidance problem.
- Every Thursday between 1pm and 4pm (entrance to the Vie Active room on the first floor), you can ask any questions you may have about further study, integration or career guidance.
- Registration required for themed workshops held twice a month between 4:30 and 6:30 pm on Thursdays (l'Atelier, room 1h03 on the mezzanine).
Get more information or book an appointment.
Handicap accessibility
Find out more about access conditions, facilities and services at BU Richter and all other BUs at the University of Montpellier by consulting our guide.
Find out at a glance about all the equipment available in your BUs by consulting our flyer.
You can use this form to request a room reservation.
You can request an adapted document by filling in this form.