Extending a document
Need more time to consult a document? You can extend your loan:
- If the document is not reserved by another reader
- If your account is not blocked (late payment penalties, etc.)
- If your extension does not concern a short loan (codes, manuals, competition books, etc.)
- If you have not missed the return deadline
The extension will entitle you to :
- 10 extra days for undergraduates, masters students and external readers
- 28 additional days for other users
To extend your loan :
You are a student or staff member of the University of Montpellier :
- Log in to your ENT
- Select the "Libraries" tile
- Click on your first and last name in the top right-hand corner to access your reader account: "My loans".
You are a registered external reader :
- Login to the catalog
- Click on your first and last name in the top right-hand corner to access your reader account: "My loans".